Introducing DIY Hodotor fashion ware:
With Hodo-Buff Tunics (indoor, Outdoor too where free ie Zusaya 2B)
And Extra-Pockets Hodo 2-Coats (slaves think-trained to think-say word skitzo coat). Practical Functional.
Fantastic is the Adept!
'He said pot farmers believe they are being unfairly blamed for killing endangered salmon while decades of timber cutting and overfishing are the real culprits.
However, the environmental damage has led to a split in the marijuana growing community.
One business, the Tea House Collective in Humboldt County, offers medicinal pot to people with prescriptions that it says is farmed by "small scale, environmentally conscious producers."
"Patients who cannot grow their own medicine can rely on our farmers to provide them with the best holistic medicine that is naturally grown, sustainable and forever Humboldt," the group's website advertises.
Despite efforts of some pot farmers to clean things up, the increased water use by farms is a "full-scale environmental disaster," said Fish and Wildlife Lt. John Nores, who leads the agency's Marijuana Enforcement Team.
"Whether it's grown quasi legally under the state's medical marijuana laws, or it's a complete cartel outdoor drug trafficking grow site, there is extreme environmental damage being done at all levels," Nores said.. '
"Profit$ before people Now!"
"..California prides itself on feeding America.
It also has the dubious distinction of being America’s biggest dope supplier.
Approximately 75 percent of the marijuana sold in the U.S. is grown in California — not Mexico, according to Sgt. Mike Horne of the Ventura County (Calif.) Sheriff's Department narcotics bureau. Horne heads a six-man commando-like unit that uses helicopters and rugged all-terrain vehicles to search and destroy marijuana growing operations in the national forest of his county....'
'...Michelle Le Strange, UCCE farm advisor in Tulare County and immediate past president of CWSS, said she has been warned by county officials and law enforcement officers that she should be alert in driving a county vehicle in rural areas because marijuana plantation tenders might think she is a law enforcement officer, and she could be in danger.
Horne said Le Strange and any government officials driving vehicles with government plates should be concerned because these marijuana plantations are operated by Mexican drug cartels, the same lawless gangs who are responsible for thousands of murders each year in Mexico. These cartels actually scour the U.S. Forrest Service lands in search of ideal growing sites, often adjacent to running streams. The cartels stock these plantations with people, drip irrigation tubing and chemicals to farm the illegal weed.
Horne showed a video and photos of what his men have uncovered in the national forests. As expected, there were neatly planted marijuana rows with drip irrigation tubing, the same as used by farmers. More chilling to the CWSS audience were the photos of not only automatic weapons confiscated in a raid, but pictures of chemicals and fertilizers used in these growing operations. The logos of many very prominent agchem and fertilizer companies were clearly visible. There were also photos of agchem products manufactured in Mexico, brought in by the cartels. Horne said many of those chemicals are not legal in the U.S.
Le Strange pointed out that chemicals and fertilizers used in these growing operations could well find their way in to streams and lakes. The unsuspecting public is likely to put the blame on agriculture for any contamination ...'
'...severe drought in California that has led the governor to declare a state of emergency.
Farmers who may have to forgo planting seasonal crops because of the lack of water are even angrier at marijuana growers. But, said Ryan Jacobsen, executive director of the Fresno County Farm Bureau, “The biggest issue is the crime that comes from these grows."
Marijuana grows have been found near schools here and in nearby Madera County. In the fall, an illegal operation that extracted THC, the main mind-altering ingredient in marijuana, blew up in Fresno’s hip Tower District. One man suffered severe burns. A 16-year-old who had tried to steal weed from a field was shot and killed by armed guards. The body was found weeks later, buried in an orange orchard. Some marijuana farms have even put up gun turrets to protect their crop.
These new neighbors are especially threatening to farmers who live next door to them. “I noticed cars were coming and going through my property, and I’d have 20, 30 cars driving through my yard,” Schmall said.
He saw license plates from at least 20 states stretching from the Northwest to the East Coast. He put up a gate to keep traffic out, and four times, cars drove right through it.
Confiscated marijuana plants and buds being held as evidence.Mark Richards for Al Jazeera America
During harvest, the Schmalls can’t keep windows open because of the powerful smell. The growers next door put up makeshift shanties at different corners of the marijuana grow for armed guards. The guards cook there, shower in the open and leave trash in the fields.
Health code violations aside, Schmall heard shots fired in the middle of the night, and he worries that his wife and kids could end up in the path of stray bullets. “When it’s next door, it affects your family’s safety,” he said.
Ben Wagner, U.S. attorney for the Eastern District of California, said the Central Valley has become the nation’s main source for domestically produced marijuana. “Organized crime is connected to that,” he said. “A lot of growers down on the valley floor are taking advantage of what they perceive as lax enforcement from local law enforcement.”
After all, the challenges are huge and the resources limited for many local sheriffs’ departments, and the profits that growers stand to make entice them to take chances. ...'
"...California Department of Fish and Wildlife are warning that streams harboring endangered salmon and steelhead could go dry because of the heavy water consumption by marijuana growers.
During the growing season, California “pot farms” consume 60 million gallons of water a day. That equals 50% more than is consumed by the entire city of San Francisco.
With 79% of California now in “extreme drought” conditions, state rangers and local law enforcement are promising a crackdown on California’s $3.9 billion annual marijuana crop.
Proposition 215 was passed in 1996 to amend the California Health and Safety Code to permit personal use of medical marijuana. Since then, officials have recorded more and more streams going dry. According to the AP, “State fish and wildlife officials say much of the marijuana being grown in northern counties under the state’s medical pot law is not being used for legal, personal use, but for sale both in California and states where pot is still illegal.”
Two men were arrested were arrested last week at a Santa Cruz County pot farm that state authorities said used diverted stream water and threatened steelhead trout and endangered Central Coast Coho salmon. The raid netted 180 mature marijuana plants from a 6-acre property said California Fish and Wildlife spokesman Andrew Hughan.
An anonymous tip led Fish and Wildlife officials to the sophisticated operation where it is believed that hundreds of thousands of gallons of water had been illegally redirected...'
Industrial scale Marijuana production uses half-million+ liters water per day per water-shed
and has crated drought.
Baal Vs Mot again.
'California's current drought has been caused by the demand for water needed to cultivate cannabis, which, under state law, is illegal for recreational use. Streams are running dry, fish are dying, and it’s just the beginning, US scientists warn.
The California Department of Fish and Wildlife has recently published a study, the first of its kind, in the PLOS journal. The scientists, who studied the devastating environmental effects of marijuana cultivation in the region, concluded: “Due to climate change, water scarcity and habitat degradation in northern California is likely to worsen in the future.”
“All the streams we monitored in watersheds with large scale marijuana cultivation went dry,” said California Department of Fish and Wildlife Senior Environmental Scientist Scott Bauer, who is the lead author of the study."The only stream we monitored that didn’t go dry contained no observed marijuana cultivation."
As the water system is ruined, fish and amphibians are suffering huge risks – the effects are "lethal or sub-lethal ... on state-and federally-listed salmon and steelhead trout and to cause further decline of sensitive amphibian species," the study said...'
'... Estimated plant totals ranged from approximately 23,000 plants to approximately 32,000 plants per watershed (Table 3). Using the plant count estimates multiplied by our per plant daily water use estimate of 22.7 liters [27] we determined that water demands for marijuana cultivation range from 523,144 liters per day (LPD) to 724,016 LPD...'
'..Andreas Lubitz, a 27-year-old from a small town in western Germany, seemingly had all the makings of an exemplary Lufthansa pilot. Fit, qualified and betraying no signs of psychological distress, he was clearly trusted by his colleagues and his employer. ...'
The Church of Starry Wisdom reveals that the Church of England has appointed another anti-christ as bishop, which is forbidden in scriptures of the cult and by mammal loyalists but is very frigid Ulak and Dianic and required political orthodoxy except in North Korea and Russia.
So says much sort-after Dark Pastor Mr Ayak.
Following on from my last post; it is not just India submitted to proto-shariah.
A long way from home...already.
So is this the future?; Divided Destiny
Such is the under-arch Draft.
Is Zone-ing the key. How could it not be?
The Islamic State or Zone, in your city or world, is like a Gay Village (GLBTIQ et al Zone).
Like it or not, If they are not there, then, they are somewhere else. Lose Lose.
'The decision, taken in a cabinet meeting chaired by the Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi, will see more women being drafted into the police force, although the move will apply to the Delhi.
"(The cabinet) today gave its approval for making reservations of 33 percent for women... in direct recruitment in non-gazetted posts... of all union territories, including Delhi," a government statement said, according to AFP....'
'..He told British documentary maker Leslee Udwin that if their victim had not fought back she would not have been killed. The bus driver said: "Then they would have dropped her off after 'doing her,'" as reported by AP.
Mukesh Singh aired his views in a documentary: "She should just be silent and allow the [sex] rape."
I have to take the side of mere natural science against the pedophiles against adult sex but that does not mean the likes of you are free to indulge favored types of sexual harassment of me.
Ring normal or not there is a legal forbiddence (honest).
Unlike the Western Media and The Guardian UK:
'“Agents from the Ukrainian Prosecutor General’s Office called me and threatened me, said that they would throw me in prison, that they would kill me, tear me into pieces,” Natalya Poklonskaya told TASS in an interview just before the completion of her first year in office. The Supreme Legislature of the Crimean Republic appointed Poklonskaya to the post of chief prosecutor on March 11, 2014.'
“I replied that I would rather be in a prison cell than work for fascists.”
Cholutec city Nandirime-Dirn, an accursed city of evil and freaky ways with monkeys.
The world thought it was meant to forget such a dire place; the Evil Matriarchy of the Ape-Humans called Ulaks.
Also called the White City of the Monkey God, La Ciudad Blanca, Kao Kasama (in Pech indian) and Ulak Land. Moore called them Chorotega. Anyway, the Ulak human-hybrid Queen of the place got turned into a black bird, said by an evil god called Whampai. Perhaps he was not so evil then?
To condense the folklore of the Honduras/Nicar/Nicaragua indians:
According to local indian legends, the Ulak where half-ape half men who took beautiful women from the primitive tribes to breed more monkeys in honor of the Monkey God. This would keep them in bush meat. Great is the Monkey God. And great where his orgy celibrations and festivities.
The culture and religion was suppressed by the Roman Catholics. Boring bastards.
There are indications that 'transforming' Jaguar Priests would pounce on any wrong-doers who were women who refused the rites in blasphemy of Monkey God and jeopardized the replacement of monkeys (my magic believed in but not biologically sound). Then Sacrifice them, go Islamic State on them, and possibly cook them. Woe to the grave not-monkey-fucked blasphemers!
Indeed so. Quite right to imo.
Such, rival tribes said, were the Ulak Land; cannibals; for they ate monkeys. Spirit joke.
'...Culturally, you had the well-known Aztecs, Olmecs and Mayas to the northwest. The Maya site of Copán, which is to the west. The Incan empire was to the south — it reached as far north as Ecuador — along with the Chibchans, who dominated much of pre-Columbian Colombia but are less well-known to the general public
This area in Honduras lies between all of those cultures. Only further research will reveal who these ancient people of early Mosquitia really were....'
'Among the Classic Mayas, the howler monkey god was a major deity of the arts - including music - and a patron of the artisans, especially of the scribes and sculptors.[1] As such, his sphere of influence overlapped with that of the Tonsured Maize God.
The monkey patrons - there are often two of them - have been depicted
on Classic vases in the act of writing books (while stereotypically
holding an ink nap) and carving human heads. Together, these two
activities may have constituted a metaphor for the creation of mankind...'
The 'Choralu'Tega' ie Citizens of Cholu had a different spin; humans (or at leat Ulak) were the creators of monkeys!
'Comedian-turned-activist Russell Brand has caused a fresh bout of
controversy after claiming on his YouTube channel that a “corrupt”
British society is the reason ‘Jihadi John’ was radicalized. In the video ‘Could I
have been Jihadi John?’ released on Tuesday, the self-styled
revolutionary reacts to the revelation of the militant’s
Brand claimed the radicalization of the Islamic State
executioner, Mohammed Emwazi, is Britain’s fault....'
Not the killings, the radicalization.
Change the labels?
Jihad for War on Terror.
Jihad John is not responsible for USA drone strikes? Is this a radical statement?
'The death toll includes 14 suspected member of the armed underground (Islamists),
including 11 in Dagestan and 3 in Chechnya, and 3 law enforcers,
including two in Dagestan and one in Chechnya. '
"Versions are still the same: this was probably a provocation aimed at
destabilizing the political situation in the country," Markin said. "A
version linked to an Islamic-extremist trace is also being worked on."
14% of Moscow is Muslim. There are IS supporters in Russia.
'Russia’s investigative committee was pursuing several lines on
inquiry, including the possibility it was an attempt to destabilise the
political landscape.
The committee, which reports to Putin, said the killing could be
linked with events in Ukraine or have been carried out by radical
Islamists. Vladimir Markin, a spokesman for the committee, said Nemtsov
had received threats in connection with his position on the Charlie Hebdo shootings in Paris last month....'
'Friends said he had received anonymous death threats over the internet.
periodically received anonymous threats on social networking
sites...Boris was worried," said opposition politician Ilya Yashin.
"He said he was under threat but never wanted additional security. (He said) if they want to kill (me) they will kill (me).”
'Nemtsov's lawyer Vadim Prokhorov said the politician had received
threats on social networks and told police about them, but authorities
didn't take any steps to protect him...'
'...deputy Boris Nemtsov had been receiving threats in social networks for
several months prior to his death, Nemtsov’s assistant Olga Varkhina
told TASS on Saturday.
"Boris Efimovich received threats in social networks. A statement for
the police was filed after one such episode," Vakhrina said. "It
happened at the end of 2014, maybe at the end of autumn, I cannot recall
the exact date now," she added.
However, she said she does not know about "any direct threats from
Yaroslavl residents or Yaroslavl officials." "I am confident there could
not have been any," Vakhrina said....'
'...The message of hate to Putin follows his strong support for Assad, without which he is likely to have been toppled.
is also loathed by Islamic extremists and terror groups for crushing
attempts to set up an Islamic state in Chechnya, and in other mainly
Muslim regions of southern Russia such as Dagestan.
The Russian leader has long argued that the West has missed the danger of such extremist groups...'
Ukraine Asset?
'...Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko called Nemtsov a friend and
“a bridge between Ukraine and Russia.” He said on
Twitter that he is sure those responsible for Nemtsov's death
will be found.
"Shocked. Boris was killed. Hard
to believe this. I do not doubt that the murderers will be
punished,” Poroshenko said.'
'... Though he had been more involved in
business than politics since 2003, he was a critic of the Russian
Opposition politician Boris Nemtsov killed in the center of Moscow
Islamists had threatened to kill him.
No threat to Putin
“With all due respect to the memory of Boris Nemtsov, in
political terms he did not pose any threat to the current Russian
leadership or Vladimir Putin. If we compare popularity levels,
Putin’s and the government’s ratings and so on, in general Boris
Nemtsov was just a little bit more than an average citizen,”
Peskov said on Saturday.'
Russian Spring activist
'Nemtsov, 55, has been in Russian politics for over two decades.
He gained popularity as a governor to Nizhny Novgorodregion, staying in the office from
1991 to 1997. He served as energy minister and deputy prime
minister under former President Boris Yeltsin, while being
regarded at some point as his successor. After 1998 he
participated in the creation of several liberal movements and
parties, serving as a Member of Parliament. Since 2003 he was more
involved in business than politics. However, Nemtsov voiced
opposition to President Vladimir Putin, criticizing the
government and its policies. Since 2012, he had co-chaired the
liberal party RPR-PARNAS (Republican Party of Russia – People's
Freedom Party). Nemtsov’s assassination
comes just one day ahead of the Vesna (“Spring”) opposition rally
slated for March 1 in Moscow....'
'..At the time of the attack, Mr Nemtsov was walking along a bridge with a
Ukrainian woman, who was uninjured in the shooting. She is now being
questioned by police.'
Other voices? 'Russia, he believes, is the only country that can save Christianity
from liberals and Jews. That he has become an embarrassment to the
regime of Vladimir Putin seems obvious, as he now wanders around giving
interviews and making statements to the press about how the Russian
government is abandoning its fighting volunteers and patriots in
Ukraine. He does at least verbally seem to recognize Putin as the
“commander in chief” of the Russian armed forces, but...'
' In his latest embarrassment for the Kremlin, Girkin tempts fate by
calling upon Russia to openly recognize that it is engaged in war in
Ukraine – in other words, to admit reality – something the Kremlin has
thus far refused to do. Girkin views the war in Ukraine as a “civil
war,” in the sense that he does not recognize Ukraine as an independent
country, and fighting cannot therefore be taking place between two
different countries. Ukraine was part of “one great country” (i.e. the
Soviet Union), and all war is now happening “within Russia.”
Evil Politik?
line of investigation would examine whether Mr. Nemtsov, a 55-year-old
former first deputy prime minister and longtime leader of the
opposition, had become a “sacrificial victim” to rally support for
opponents of the government, the Investigative Committee of the
Prosecutor General’s Office said in a statement.
statement, the fullest official response to Mr. Nemtsov’s killing so
far, said the police were pursing half a dozen leads in the case, the
highest-profile assassination in Russia during the tenure of Mr. Putin.
committee also said that “radical personalities” on one or another side
of the Ukrainian conflict might may have been responsible. The
statement said the police were also considering possible business or
personal disputes as motives.
investigation is considering several versions,” the statements said.
The first it listed was: “a murder as a provocation to destabilize the
political situation in the country, where the figure of Nemtsov could
have become a sort of sacrificial victim for those who stop at nothing
to achieve their political goals.”
'A prominent American blogger of Bangladeshi origin has been hacked to
death with machetes by unidentified assailants in Dhaka, after he
allegedly received threats from Islamists....'
'...hardline Islamist groups started to protest against other campaigning
bloggers, calling a series of nationwide strikes to demand their
deaths, accusing them of blasphemy.
The secular government of the Bangladeshi prime minister, Sheikh Hasina, reacted by arresting some atheist bloggers. ...'
Irak was allways artificial like Yugoslavia. It used to be Assyria and Babilim/Babelam (Babylon).
Assyria allready exists as an independent nation : as the Islamic State administration.
But that is not true Assyria.
The General is right that it is a hostile nation.
But there are various degrees of hostile: Islamic State or Assyria; it is not much of a choice?
It is not that the IS did not do a lot of good: water, electricity, food, popular sharia courts and education. And throwing out the western puppets, the shia Iraq government.
No one in fact gives a fuck if gays are thrown off tower blocks. There was a Western travel ban even before the IS turned up.
But without Assyria, the Caliph remains if not expands. Popular guy, too harsh for Assyria.
It is not just the Friday people's mosques that get destroyed by the IS (army of the secret Jinni)?
Huge Taliban-style culture raid in Mosul Assyria; Library burned of non-Islamic books and museum of culture ransacked with sledge-hammers.
(covered up by youtube who likewise have destroyed the evidence as I blog.)
'The five-minute video shows a group of bearded men in a museum using
hammers and drills to destroy several large statues, including one
depicting a winged-bull Assyrian protective deity that dates back to 9th
century BC.
"Oh Muslims, these artefacts that are behind me were idols and gods
worshipped by people who lived centuries ago instead of Allah," a
bearded man tells the camera as he stands in front of the partially
demolished winged-bull. ...'
Very true, very true. And still the West has yet to learn this truth.
I couldn't help but notice the Mecca protective black stone was ok. That as they say, is different.
Given by the cult of Cybele.
reported particularly heavy damage to the archives of a Sunni Muslim
library, the library of the 265-year-old Latin Church and Monastery of
the Dominican Fathers and the Mosul Museum Library with works dating
back to 5000 BC.'
By Asshur, the Obama plan might just work; it is inspired genius.
It is impossible says Iran and some media.
IT? IT is unless IT means something else?
Denied to The Islamic State. Do-able yes.
Everything else not do-able. No.
You might not see the connection between the golden calf, (The Golden Baal sex god, hero of the land and people), and The Islamic State's allure to muslim youth; but the idol can still illuminate truths. That is why it still gets a plug in the Bible. Good at alluring.
...Despite a shared interest in ignoring biological development, The IS 'facilitates' the heroic urges from Baal. gettit?. Anyway,pantys in their pockets, the have the urges to do their duty to Allah. Pius that.
Groan. Variant on a theme, that is all. The 30% of web traffic one.
Infact paying their airfare might be a kind gesture?
But then, others do that anyway and often it is whispered. !
Will they come down to earth, or Iraq, with a bump?
A baby bump anyway.
awww....a new little IS Jihadi darling or Breeder for Allah.
Can't be bad.
Perhaps they missed the bit about becoming a shrill head-case bigot?
Can't explain that... '...The three girls, all
students at Bethnal Green Academy in London, were reported to
have flown from Gatwick to Istanbul on Tuesday during their
half-term break.
Intelligence sources in Turkey now told the Telegraph that Amira Abase, 15,
Shamima Begum, 15, and Kadiza Sultana, 16, crossed into [IS]Syria on
Friday by car and are presumed to be in the ISIS-run town of Tal
“They were seen in Tal Abyad on Friday. They were traveling
with a Syrian male in a private car. They were using Syrian
identity cards,” the source told the publication, claiming
the girls stayed in Turkey two days before traveling to Syria.
According to him, upon arriving in Istanbul, the three teenagers
were met by an ISIS member“charged with helping foreigners
who want to join the group.”...'
' of the girls
was reportedly in contact on Twitter with Aqsa Mahmood, who left
Glasgow to join IS in November 2013 ...'