Wednesday 26 November 2014

The Supreme as The Goddess is Insectoid

The office of supreme deity is male to mammals and reptiles, and female to insects (allowing for the attainment of advanced thought).

This means a deity concept will have to adapt to the biological requirements of a species; not isa versa.

It also means the true depiction of 'The Goddess' is as an insect goddess (and largely for insects) whom we can call Baalah'zebub.

Gods do not exist except in the fantasy of the mind; but beyond irrelevant lunacy a species has its biological predeterminates; a fundamental outworking of the biological build.

The humans have been limited in their ability to correctly represent the insects' would be Goddess, tainted as it was by mammal preconceptions and requirements, even in ancient Egypt which tried but could not ascend above the relevance - to humans - of anthropomorphism..

So recognising the Insect Goddess is one thing for mammals; but considering her supreme is a falsehood for mammals and reptiles and is anti-species unless you are by chance an insect.

ps no mammal human female reproductive cycle there. Wrong species ism. So perhaps being a mammal is more relevant; but only to mammals.

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