Monday 2 February 2015

Favor and Disfavor : Saudi and Syria ?

Upper Arch Hodotor favor Upper Arch Hodotor.
Under Arch favor is chaotic at best.

Is Saudi Arabian Theocratic Dictatorship favoured over Secular Democratic Syria?
It is by some.

Such is Ulak iLaki of the under arch of the dark evil queen, the frigid one.

Next stop : Port Royal?

'Young voters have attacked David Cameron over the Government's decision to fly flags at half-mast following the death of Saudi King Abdullah bin Abdulaziz last month.
The Prime Minister faced tough questions about the tribute from young people during the Stand Up Be Counted: Ask The Leaders session, which was hosted by Sky News and Facebook.
Franchesca Hashemi asked Mr Cameron: "Why did Britain fly the Saudi flag at half-mast if the country has such an appalling human rights record?"

Mr Cameron replied: "We don't agree with lots of things that the Saudis do. We don't agree with the way they treat people, for instance criminals. We make clear those differences.
"But when the King died, as a mark of respect, we thought it was right to show that respect."...'

Fly the Jolly Rodger at half-mast next time.
illegal imposition against democratic rights and law:
'A new study reveals four in five British universities have restrictions on freedom of speech.
According to the online magazine Spiked, the official policies and actions of 80% of UK universities, have either restricted or actively censored free speech and expression on campus beyond the requirements of the law.
Essex is among the worst performers in Spiked’s research. It is one of five universities in which the student union and the administration are both assessed as clearly preventing freedom of speech. The other four are Portsmouth, Northampton, Bath Spa and the University of West of England.
The study grades each administration and student union green, amber or red based on an assessment of their policies and action.
It also indicates that applying to the country’s most prestigious institutions will not guarantee the right to speak one’s mind, showing that 88% of Russell Group and 1994 Group universities have placed restrictions on freedom of speech and expression.
Oxford, for example, where one college recently called off a debate on abortion, has been ranked red while Cambridge got amber. ...'

They can be counted as usurpers against democracy and invaded by the nations that support democracy?
Commence bombing?
Dark 'Lord Dannatt told Sky's Dermot Murnaghan that the limited steps taken were not likely to be enough to defeat the jihadists who have seized control of large areas of northern Iraq and Syria.
"If this mission is right, and task is right and everything else has failed, there has got to be a debate about whether a least worst option is to provide boots on the ground," he said.
"I'm not calling for it now but I think we need to watch this very carefully."...

It is not Iraq and Syria; it is the Sunni Muslim Nation in the Middle-East sharing a border with the favored Saudi Islamic Dictatorship, called by AQ Iraq insurgents 'The Islamic State'.
Call it Narnia if you must?

The least worst option is to stop bombing the IS and leave them alone. This will decrease blow back in the form of terrorism, save the tax-payer heaps of money, upset the psychopaths, and make the UK horribly safer?
A fate to avoid then?

Forget the Syrian and Iraq oil; Al Qaeda 2.0 now owns it and America does not. Tough.
Fly the Jolly Rodger over your Port Royal at half mast again?
For alas, it has gone like beloved Saudi Arabia...surely this is inconsistent Fribolian madness?

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