Friday 19 December 2014

Cult of Yahweh AWOL

They have no class now; like the freemason slobby wives. (I saw better dressed at a greasy spoon cafe).

' Usually local dioceses have six months to approve changes to church law, but in this instance they will have just three, paving the way for the first woman bishop to be in post by the end of the year.

However, the proceedings started rather awkwardly when the Bible passage. which happened to be that day’s lectionary reading. conveyed a message that was utterly at odds with the goal of elevating women to leadership roles within the church. It went something like this:
“A woman should learn in quietness and full submission. I do not permit a woman to teach or to have authority over a man; she must be quiet. For Adam was formed first, then Eve. And Adam was not the one deceived; it was the woman who was deceived and became a sinner.” (1 Timothy 2:11-14)

**It turns out to be: All one way with the irrational feminists, as allways;
Feminist Wicca ie Feminists exclude males ordination to the Priestesshood;
(I am not saying that you care or are consistent)

'Dianic covens of Budapest lineage are composed entirely of women.['

 'While some circles, like Morgan's third coven, choose to be all-female, '

' The result of the creation of the McFarland Dianic tradition has been that the original Dianic tradition has had to redefine itself to distance itself from theMcFarlands. Thus, you will see reference to the Feminist Wicca, Feminist Dianic, Feminist Tradition and Feminist Witchcraft, which are all the same as Z Budapest’s women-centered, all female Dianic tradition.'

**Such is Feminism, Such is Ulak frigid queen of evil. And shit.

**Applauded by the train-wreck which are the Methodists;
** Along the lines of 'we did that -women and gays - and halved our numbers'
Well worth it.

***Speaking of which...

'The Church's figure for 'usual Sunday attendance', the method used since the 1930s to measure congregations, found CofE churches had 795,800 worshippers on Sundays in 2012. The numbers were 9,000 down on the previous year.'

  'Overall in 2012, on average 1.05m people attended Church of England churches each week showing no significant change over the past decade; and ...'

'Church officials abandoned the 'usual Sunday attendance' method of counting as their main measure of congregations in the late 1990s after is showed numbers in the pew had dwindled below a million. It now uses for the headline figure 'average weekly attendance', which takes in people who come to churches on days other than Sunday.
The weekly figure averaged 1.05 million in 2012, showing 'no significant change over the past decade.'

**Now they are cooking the books to deceive us, that we might be mislead. Business as usual, then?
But they say, it is their job afterall, is it not?

Beware of Antichrists
21I have not written to you because you do not know the truth, but because you do know it, and because no lie is of the truth. 22Who is the liar but the one who denies that Jesus is the Christ? This is the antichrist, the one who denies the Father and the Son.'

A fair comment to the churches after all. He means 'because such are our teachings'.
 There is no god, and little accuracy either.
Not that Yahweh alias Jehovah was God anyway....Baal is. In calling the old demon Yaw-Yahweh a god is perverse. And the anti-adult sex problem of Yahweh (true evil you see?) is against nature; in this Baal is the immortal lord, of the orgy; adult and true nature. Yes the vagina really is a fuck hole for penis and animosity to that reality is...anti the vagina it's self, and it's bearer of such a thing.

 You really can't blag it away; the dynamic remains; along with the fundamental biology. They are ashes, if I am not mistaken. So can we beat Islam to plant the apple orchard in the field of ash? The race is before us...

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