Monday 15 December 2014

Sydney Cafe Jihad Drama - Uber good for business right?

'Most significantly, it tells would-be jihadists to keep their plots small and their strategies simple, involving as few people as possible.

"At this point of the crusade against the Islamic State, it is very important that attacks take place in every country that has entered into the alliance against the Islamic State, especially the US, UK, France, Australia and Germany," it states.

"The citizens of crusader nations should be targeted wherever they can be found."
The latest call-to-arms – which follows a similar but more general call three weeks ago by the group's spokesman Abu Muhammad al Adnani - underscores the extent to which Islamic State is using a scattergun approach to whip supporters into action, rather than relying on complex and large-scale plots.
Such a strategy fits closely with what Australian Federal Police Commissioner Andrew Colvin recently called "a police officer's worst nightmare" in which low-tech plots could spring up with very little warning.
The latest urging, in the fourth edition of Dabiq magazine – one of the Islamic State's main propaganda vehicles – stresses that attackers should not...' autoplays.
Itss UBER SURGE TIME!!! $$$ x4
'Uber briefly charged its users in downtown Sydney a minimum $100 to escape an armed hostage crisis, a result of automatic surge pricing meant to get more drivers online.
An executive in the city's Central Business District (CBD) sent Mashable screenshots of the Uber app that showed the company was charging up to four-times the normal rate because "demand is off the charts."...

You mess with me, me mess with You?
'.. café in central Sydney, where up to 40 hostages are being held by an armed attacker and a black flag with Arabic inscriptions can be seen. Australia is contributing to the US-led operation against the Islamic State.
At least five people apparently escaped from the building during a tense standoff between heavily armed police and an unknown number of assailants holding hostages at gunpoint inside the Lindt Chocolate Café in Martin Place.'...

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